Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to Cut mp3 files without using any third party tools in Windows XP/Vista

     There are many tools available to cut mp3 files, but most of them are either not free or not standard. There is a simple and easy way of doing this in Windows XP/Vista. Most of time XP/Vista comes with Windows Movie Maker software. If you don’t have this software then we can download this from

You can cut any mp3/audio file using these few steps

1. Import mp3/audio file to Windows Movie Player using Audio/Music import option. You will see this option on left side menu as shown below

Audio Import

2. Drag and drop imported audio file to Audio Timeline.


3.You will find “Split” option on right bottom, it splits selected file into two parts from present selected location.


4.Now suppose you have to cut part of the 00:15 to 00:25 seconds. First select 00:25 second time line and split it into two using “Split” option. And then Select 00:15 and repeat same steps.

Fullscreen capture 6272009 40618 PM.bmp

Fullscreen capture 6272009 40659 PM.bmp5. Now delete unwanted front and end part. Select “Publish” option to save this cut clip.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to mail Pictures in just few Clicks

Picasa 3.0 is Google's very famous, simple and powerful picture editing desktop tool. It has many simple but very useful features. These feature makes our life very easy. Many time we mail pictures to our near and dear, but it is very pailful job as we need to attach it one by one , wait till it get attached and sent. Some time we need to reduce size of the images before sending it.
Picasa 3.0 makes your life very easy, it has a "Mail" feature which is integrated with your GMail account.
Above Image showes "Mail" option at bottom toolbar of picasa. Now mailing pictures is just four click process

1. Select Pics to be mailed.

2. Click on "Mail" option as shown in above image.
3. You will get mail composer editor with all selected images attached. As shown following figure.

4. Select contacts from your gmail account and Send it, thats it.

Picasa gives option of selecting image size. Select Tools>>Options and then select "E-Mail" tab. There you will get Output Setting as shown below
Here you can set size of the images. This tool will re-size images before mailing it. There are also other options such as "when sending single image".
This feature really make our work more easy, start using it.