Friday, March 18, 2011

Capture active window using “PrntScrn”

I don’t need to tell about well known Windows’s “PrntScrn” functionality Smile. Yes, it capture current screen and you can paste that any picture editing application.  There are many efficient and more powerful screen capturing tools are available, but Window’s “PrntScrn” option is most simple option without installing any third party software.

Most of the time we need to capture only Active window rather than complete screen. I am very happy to see there is already a way to capture only active window using Fn + Alt + “PrntScrn”



Fn + Alt + PrntScrn

Ctrl + V in Paint application


You can notice , only current active window gets captured ( pasted in Paint application).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yogesh,

    For me just the ALT + PrintScreen key combination worked!

